
情報規格調査会は,1995年度から表彰制度を設けました.国際規格開発賞は、新規または改版のIS、TS、TR (AmendmentおよびCorrigendumを含む) 開発のProject EditorまたはProject Co-Editorとして公式に登録され、国際規格発行に顕著な貢献があったと認められる者に贈呈されます. 


受賞者氏名(所 属) 規格番号及びプロジェクトタイトル



担当SC 表彰日
鈴木 輝彦 氏
ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018
Information technology -- High efficiency coding and media
delivery in heterogeneous environments --
Part 8: Conformance specification for HEVC
2018-08 SC29 2019-4-23
原田 登 氏
ISO/IEC 14496-26:2010/Amd 5:2018
Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects --
Part 26: Audio conformance -- AMENDMENT 5: Conformance
for new levels of ALS simple profile, SBR enhancements

ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd. 43
Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects --
Part 5: Reference software, AMENDMENT 43: New levels of
ALS simple profile, SBR enhancements

SC29 2019-4-23
蔵田 武志 氏
ISO/IEC 18520 :2019
Information technology -- Computer graphics, image
processing and environmental data representation -- Benchmarking of
vision-based spatial registration and tracking methods for mixed and
augmented reality (MAR)
2019-01 SC24 2019-06-25
池田 宏明 氏
ISO/IEC 13251:2019
Information technology -- Collection of graphical symbols
for office equipment
2019-05 SC35 2019-06-25
星沢 拓 氏
(㈱日立製作所 )

小石 健二 氏
ISO/IEC 30190:2016/Amd 1:2019
Information technology -- Digitally recorded media for
information interchange and storage -- 120 mm SingleLayer
(25,0 Gbytes per disk) and Dual Layer (50,0 Gbytes per
disk) BD Recordable disk AMENDMENT 1

ISO/IEC 30191:2015/Amd 1:2019
Information technology -- Digitally recorded media for
information interchange and storage -- 120 mm Triple
Layer (100,0 Gbytes single sided disk and 200,0 Gbytes
double sided disk) and Quadruple Layer (128,0 Gbytes single
sided disk) BD Recordable disk AMENDMENT 1

ISO/IEC 30192:2016/Amd 1:2019
Information technology -- Digitally recorded media for information
interchange and storage -- 120 mm SingleLayer (25,0 Gbytes per disk)
and Dual Layer (50,0 Gbytes per disk) BD Rewritable disk AMENDMENT 1
2019-06 SC23 2019-7-30
坂本 健一 氏
(㈱NTTデータ )
ISO/IEC 25020:2019
Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software
Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Quality
measurement framework
2019-7 SC7 2019-9-3
中島 毅 氏
ISO/IEC 25030:2019
Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software
quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Quality
requirements framework
2019-8 SC7 2019-10-8
小野 文孝 氏

坂無 英徳 氏

小川 茂孝 氏
ISO/IEC 14492:2019
Information technology -- Lossy/lossless coding of
bi-level images
2019-03 SC29 2019-10-8
原 潤一 氏
ISO/IEC 19566-6:2019
Information technologies -- JPEG systems --
Part 6:JPEG 360
2019-7 SC29 2019-10-8
関 洋平 氏
ISO/IEC 30146:2019
Information technology -- Smart City ICT Indicators
2019-10 JTC1 2019-12-17
永沼 美保 氏
ISO/IEC 27102:2019
Information security management -- Guidelines for
2019-8 SC27 2019-12-17
渡邊 修 氏
ISO/IEC 15444-1:2019
Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding
system -- Part 1: Core coding system
2019-10 SC29 2019-12-17
渡邊 修 氏
ISO/IEC 15444-15:2019
Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system
-- Part 15: High-Throughput JPEG 2000
2019-10 SC29 2019-12-17
鈴木 俊宏 氏
ISO/IEC 20547-3
Information technology -- Big data reference
architecture -- Part 3: Reference architecture
2020-03 SC42 2020-03-24